Autumn Principles According to Chinese Medicine

In this moment as the Fall is transitioning into the Winter, I would like to share a little about the prevailing energetic movement:

It’s quite normal to feel slower, to feel one’s focus moving inward. The luminosity decrease is shortening the days and lengthening the nights. This is an invitation to begin to move inwards to introspect upon all the precious gifts and lessons life has offered us in the way of experience. Some these gifts we will keep and hold onto, bringing them into our depths, into our essential selves and some we will discard as they are not essential.  

This increase in darkness, cold and dampness we experience in the Fall is an invitation of Mother Earth and Great Spirit to interiorize, to “fall” inward. It is the fall from the graces of summer. In the summer where we are offered and induced with the maximum Light and heat which creates upward expansion, quickens the movement and induces us into joy and frolicking – upward and expansive movement.

Being naturally induced inward is the benevolent and physiological movement of sadness, nostalgia and longing. These emotional states in and of themselves are physiological and healthy, they only become problematic when we hold onto them, thinking that this is who we are – they remain stagnant within our Being. Although these emotions may seem like “bad” in fact, they are benevolent because we must look back at the year and see what has transpired in our lives. To look inside and see what we have created, our relationships, what we have thought, said and done to others, what people have thought, said and done to us and how we feel about those words, feelings, emotions and actions. As everything is recorded within our Being, we are invited by the climactic elements of cold and damp and decreased luminosity that induce contractive interiority. In essence the Fall Elements within which we are bathed in, are inviting us to truly take stock of all that has transpired this past year. An invitation to apply the scales of justice, so that we may only keep that which is most essential and let go of that which no longer serves us, at this moment.

All of nature is engaged in moving inwards during the fall, we need only look at what the trees are doing to verify this. After the tree has spent the winter in latent-dormancy, it awakens in the spring and intensely grows shoots and leaves, becoming a prolific and unique expressive contribution to the forest’s canopy in the space of just a couple of weeks. Then in the summer the tree grows flowers (expression of lush expansion) and fruit (expression of abundance and fruition) at the end of the summer. When the fall comes around the tree takes stock of all that she has produced throughout the growing seasons. With wisdom, clarity, righteousness and discernment she draws within herself only the most essential of all that she has created throughout the growing seasons. With her precious essence tucked safely within her, she denudes herself in righteous transparency of her glorious dress of leaves; she lets go of all that no longer serves her; that which is not essential self.

In essence we are invited to let go of; who we think we are, who others would like us to be, who we would like to be and who others would like us to be.

Giving rise to the expression of who we Really Are – I Am Presence.

What I am in the process of learning more and every year is to fully feel all that I am feeling; the full spectrum of emotions, to embrace them with unconditional love, welcoming and acceptance of myself and all who are involved. Paying careful attention not to look away, not to put aside and not resist; the pain, hurt, betrayal, sadness, anger, insecurity, fear ect – who we are NOT.  

The art I am learning to perfect is the art of feeling the pain, as exquisite as it is, without sufferance. Pain and sufferance are distinct and not intrinsically linked together.

Pain and pleasure are indeed real sensations but sufferance is a choice. Choosing to not sufferance through pain allows us to be able to deeply feel all that we feel.

In the Eternal Now moment there is All that Is, but there is no sufferance.

Humbly, this is my experience.



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